Journalism & Mass Communication

ABOUT Journalism & Mass Communication

In ancient times the mode of disseminating information was limited to verbal and written communication, but with new inventions and technology today we have several ways for receiving and transferring a piece of information by using electronic media, print media, telecommunication, and the internet. This has widened the career scope of professionals in the media industry in many folds by opening huge job opportunities.

AISECT University Jharkhand established the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication to provide a platform to the students interested in exploring the entertainment and media industry, its way of functioning, importance and responsibilities toward the society.
Mass communication involves disseminating information in a large segment of people using a different mode of communication channels like television, print media, radio, and social media. Whereas journalism involves collecting, verifying, editing and presenting the news using mass media channels. Here it is important to note that mass communication and journalism is not limited to spreading news but it also involves making documentaries to showcase different cultures, art forms, wild lives, and also to address social issues, environmental issues, etc to spread awareness and knowledge in the entire world by using various mass communication channels. Today journalism and media industries are playing bigger responsibilities in bringing change in the societies.

Being the best journalism college in Jharkhand, AISECT department of journalism and mass communication integrates theoretical knowledge from the textbooks and practical training through internship programs to give in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience about writing, reporting, editing, printing, filming, and photographing of the information to present and spread among the mass section of people at the same time.
The esteemed faculty of the department of journalism and mass communication also aims to inculcate the following skillsets to create the best media professionals in our country.

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Research Orientation
  • Reasoning skills
  • Good interviewing skills
  • Ability to present information in an effective medium
  • Perseverance
  • Good observation skills
  • Ability to work under stringent conditions and work pressure

Being the best journalism college in India, the AISECT department of journalism and mass communication conducts seminars, conferences and talk shows regularly by inviting famous media personalities and top journalists to help students to keep a pace with changing technologies, information processing, and dealing with the real challenges of this industry.

S. No. Name of Faculty Specialization Designation Year of Experience Photo

Bachelor of journalism and communication (BJMC)
Eligibility : - After passing the HSC examination
Duration : -Three years divided into six semesters with two semesters for each year
Program Outcome
Program Specific Outcome

Bachelor of journalism and communication or BJMC is an undergraduate degree course of the duration of three years divided into six semesters with two semesters for each year. Candidates can take admission in this course right after passing in the HSC examination. This degree course improves and develops the skills of assembling, conveying and disseminating information to a large segment of people. After completing this degree course students can secure their jobs in news channels, publishing houses, radio channels, internet channels, etc.
The following are the main subjects of this degree course.

  • Media Research
  • Media Management
  • Introduction to journalism
  • Introduction to advertising
  • Writing for Media
  • Basics of Camera, Lights, and Sound
  • Media Laws and Ethics
  • History of Print and Broadcasting in India
  • Application of Computer in Media

Master of Journalism and Mass Communication (M.J.M.C.)
Eligibility : - Graduation in journalism and mass communication
Duration : - Two years divided into four semesters with two semesters in each year
Program Outcome
Program Specific Outcome

Master of journalism and mass communication abbreviated as M.J.M.C. is a post-graduation degree course of the duration of two years divided into four semesters with two semesters in each year. This course imparts in-depth knowledge of various forms of mass media like television, newspapers, radio, films, the internet, etc to disseminate information in a large segment of people at the same time. It stresses technical as well as theoretical knowledge of the usage of different media involved in disseminating the information once it is gathered and conveyed. In this academic program, students choose the subject of specialization to build a career in several media professions like advertisement, journalism, public relations, print media, radio jockey, etc.
The main subjects of this degree course are as follows:

  • Communication Theory and Practice
  • Print Journalism and Writing for Media
  • Broadcast Media & Journalism
  • Principles of Advertising & Public Relation
  • Short Film Production
  • New Media and Web Content
  • Television News and Studio Production
  • Basics of Audio and Video Production
  • Web Design and Production

Career Prospects

Journalism and mass communication degree course is a professional course that opens new avenues for a career in the entertainment and media industry. Recruiters like News 18, Doordarshan, Zee entertainment enterprise, NDTV, Times of India, etc. are some of the commonly known recruiters at AISECT University Jharkhand for journalism and mass communication graduate students. Students after completing their course in journalism and mass communication can be hired in various media fields like journalism, publishing, television, event management, scriptwriting, advertisement, public relations, etc for the following job profiles.

  • News Anchor
  • Radio Jockey
  • Video Jockey
  • Journalist
  • Screen Writer
  • Advertising Agent
  • Copy Writer
  • Media Planner
  • Actor
  • Film Director

Board of Studies
Internal Members

S.No Name Designation

External Members

S.No Name Designation
Academic Calendar
Co-Curricular Activities

S.No Activity Date

Library Books Details - Dept of Journalism & Mass Communication

S.No Accession No. Author Title
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S.No Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Link of the recognition in Research Paper enlistment of the Journal
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S.NO. Staff & Department Name of the Event Organization / Venue Date/Duration
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SNO. Name of Faculty Membership Name of the Organization
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Guest Lecture Name of the Department Expert Name Topic Date
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